Friday 28 January 2011

Taming of the Shrew

The rehearsals of Arts Beat new production began this week at TARA studio. The new cast seemed all set to start rehearsals on top of having to know what the story is about. Of course, it was easier to explain to them about the play which was adapted for the big screen a few years ago '10 things I hate about you', featuring the late Heath Ledger. However, they soon realised that there was more to the story than the movie portrayed; confusion in regards to how complex the story was such as the love triangles and who is who, but most interestingly, the names of the characters. Having said that, they all seem to be looking forward to it after making a trailer of what they understood from the story.

Arts Beat's 'Taming of the Shrew' will look closely at the relationship between Katherine and Petrichio (yes I know it is quite hard to pronounce), but you will be more taken in by the story and remember the characters more as you become enthralled in the story of their lives.

The cast seem to be settling in now, and will hopefully maintain their energy and potential as they did in last year's 'Cinderella, the Bollywood pantomime'. With only a few weeks to go and a couple of hours of rehearsals, this will be one good performance from the young cast.

Tickets are now available for the show, which will be at TARA studio from Wednesday 23rd to Saturday 26th February 7.30pm.

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